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Time to Speak

Back in May I was interviewed for a magazine, and guess what?

That magazine is finally on stands and I couldn't be more excited!

These last few years have been a transition for me to say the least. I am breaking the chains of silence and taking one step at a time with sharing my story and sheding the light. With every step, I grow more confident in myself, my story and my healing journey.

A few months ago, someone I knew from high school tagged me in a facebook post. I quickly clicked to see what I was tagged in and read about how someone was looking to write a magazine article on an inspirational person and are looking for people in the community to interview. I was stunned for a while that someone would tag me in something like that, that someone would think of me in that way. I sent this person a message to learn more about the article and it wasn't long before things were finalized and I was being interviewed for this magazine. I couldn't believe it.

The interview went great and I knew I put my story in the right hands, I knew I gave my story to someone who was going to tell it right. I had done many guest speaking events on my story prior to this interview, but never did I have my story so open to anyone who would like to read it, so this was a large step for me.

I don't want to be afraid anymore, I don't want to harbor shame in my soul any longer about who I am and what I've been though. I needed to throw the cards on the table and free myself from my story.

Yesterday I went to the store and picked up a copy of the magazine for the first time. The feeling I got when I picked up that magazine and held it in my hand is indescribable. I quickly walked back to my car and sat for a few minutes just holding it in my lap unopened. My heart rate grew rapid as I processed what I was about to read. The fear, the excitement, the joy, it was overwhelming. I finally opened the magazine and started to read it as tears began to fall from my eyes. It was breathtaking to me to see my story in print, and more importantly, to see my story written so perfectly. I read the article and I no longer felt afraid, I knew I had nothing to be afraid of.

Now that my story is being told, I no longer feel confined by it, instead I feel pride in it. My story is no longer something that controls me with silence and fear, now it is something I control and I can hold in my hands with pride.

You can read the article online here at

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