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Three Years Ago

Wow, time sure flies!

Three years ago today I met Mariska Hargitay for the first time! That day set in motion the rest of my life.

I boarded that plane all by myself three years ago. I carried with me my Joyful Heart Foundation paintings in my luggage, and my determination and fire in my back pocket. As the plane descended, I saw the New York City skyline and I wept from joy.


I met with the other girls on the trip and we settled into our hotel waiting anxiously for the next day to come. We got up bright and early, got ready and set out on the mission to find the Law & Order: SVU filming location that day, me with my Joyful Heart paintings in hand. It didn't take us long to find the set, the trailers, the director chairs and the crew all scrambling around.

I will never be able to put into words what that moment was like, the passion, the excitement, the joy, but here is an excerpt from something I briefly wrote on that day when I was overwhelmed with emotion:


"Today March 6th 2012 is the best day of my life and is now declared Mariska Hargitay day! I finally met her!!!!!!! Most amazing moment EVER! I gave her my painting and told her the only thing I want out of my life is to expand Joyful Heart Foundation to Canada. She was thrilled and told me who to talk to at the JHF office about that. That put an idea in our heads to go to the JHF offices after we finish watching SVU film. We went to the JHF offices and actually got to go in! It was SO surreal! I asked if some people in the office could sign my other painting I had and explained my story. The guy actually said he will get the WHOLE staff to sign it and then he will ship it back to me! I sobbed so many times today out of shock and amazement! This is everything"


Exactly three years ago today:

Exactly three years ago today, my life changed forever. Exactly three years ago today, dreams came true.

Being a survivor of sexual violence, I spent many year of my life feeling dead inside. Law & Order: SVU and Mariska is what brought me back to life again and from that day I was determined to thank her for it. On March 6th 2012, I got to do just that, for the very first time. I got to the SVU set and waited by Mariska's trailer, when she came out the first thing she saw was me and my Joyful Heart Foundation paintings I had in my hand. She made a squeal kind of noise and then made a bee-line straight for me. When she was over to us she looked at my painting closer and asked who had made them. I told her I did and then explained the significance behind them and how I want to expand her foundation to Canada. She had said that that was exactly what she wants to do with Joyful Heart and then told me the staff member I should get in contact with. I got a picture with Mariska and then gave her one of those paintings to keep. I often wonder to this day where she has put it. Maybe one day, I’ll find out.

Next was the adventure to the Joyful Heart Foundation office, another extraordinary dream come true. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to get in, but fate had a different plan that day. I remember riding up in that elevator to the 4th floor where the office was. My heart was racing, my mind felt like it was about to blow up, and then the elevator doors opened. The breath got knocked out of me. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move. I grounded myself and finally approached the guy who was sitting behind the desk, Ben. Most of what happened is a total blur for me because it was just such an intense moment. I handed Ben my other painting and talked to him about what I plan to do. He called out Nate, who was head of communications for Joyful Heart. We had a chat and he kept my painting to get signed. The atmosphere in that office, the kindness, the calming feeling, it was everything I imagined it would be and more. When I stepped back in that elevator to leave, the intensity of what had happened that day was no longer maintainable. I broke down in sobs, it wasn’t sobs of sadness or sorrow, it was sobs because I finally knew what it felt like to have dreams come true.

Three years ago today and it will forever be a defining moment in my life, one that altered the course of my life. I can say without a doubt I would not be the person I am today had that trip never happened.

Three years ago today.... and I am grateful.

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