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Speak Out Project

Around 6 months ago, I created a video for survivors.

I've noticed there are a lot of great videos that are targeted at raiseing awareness to sexual violence, however, there isn't much that I've found that is targeted at sending a positive and encouraging message to survivors themselves. So I took it upon myself to start a video project doing just that, by asking for submissions from friends/allies all over the world. I could not have asked for a better turn out.

It's all about starting a conversation and the bigger we make that conversation, the more of an impact we can make. As many of you know, when I start something, I go all out. I go as big as I can get. So I decided to address Ellen DeGeneres in my video and ask her to join this very important conversation. I picked Ellen for various reasons, 1) Ellen is not afraid to touch on some difficult topics on her show, she often has a short segment of each episode dedicated to real and serious topics such as cancer, poverty, disease, etc. So I know it wouldn't be too far fetched for Ellen to take on such a heavy topic And 2) Ellen's show is often thought of an a comedy, by having this topic brought up on her show, it can turn the tables and show that this is a topic that needs to be discussed on all platforms, by all people. It is not a topic to be ignored any longer.

Okay, enough talk. You can watch the video now

After I published this video, I started tweeting about it. It didn't take long for the video to grab some attention from some influencial people.

For example, the mayor of my city saw the video and tweeted about it,

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What an honor!!

Then AnnaLynne McCord saw the video. For those of you who don't know, AnnaLynne is an actress, she is best known for her role as Naomi Clark on the newest version of 90210. AnnaLynne is also a survivor of sexual assault and she is a warrior activist against sexual exploitation. She tweeted me about the video and said,

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I was completely blown away after recieving this tweet! My video was doing exactly what I had hoped it would, it was starting a widespread coversation.

So tell me in the comments section why YOU speak out, what would you want to say to survivors?

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