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Ellen DeGeneres And Turning 23

So, today is my birthday. Every year, I spend some time reflecting on what I've done so far and what I still want to accomplish. Today my reflecting turned into a letter to The Ellen Show. As you know from my last blog post, I've started a campain about a year ago to have Ellen bring the topic of sexual violence to her show and start this very important conversation. I've seen, and even experienced, the impact that just a conversation can make, it can literally save someone's life. What better platform to raise awareness than one of the most popular day time talk show. I’ve written in a few times during her 11th season to ask Ellen to bring this conversation to her show and help me spread awareness. Now the Ellen Show is back after the summer hiatus for season 12, it’s time to get those typing fingers going again!

I was sitting in my livingroom today watching Ellen's show and I was suddenly deeply inspired to write in to the show again and try my chances at season 12.

Here is the letter that I sent in today:

"Ellen, Today is my birthday, I'm 23 years old. I've been sitting here watching your show and reflecting on my 23 years I've lived so far. During your show today you said "What's the fun in just comfort, you want to keep pushing yourself" and many things had occurred to me after you said that. Thinking back on my life thus far, it has only been those times I've pushed myself out of my comfort zone that I've really truly lived. That's what brings me to writing to you again today. I am a survivor of sexual assault. At the age of 16, my world came crashing down around me, and trying to cope with this heavy heavy trauma almost ended my life. But I am beaming with joy to tell you I am more than just alive today, I am truly living! I'm healing and growing stronger every day. I'm finding that fire in my soul and I am fighting back against rape culture. It is in those times that I push myself past my comfort zone that magic happens, and today I'm asking you to push yourself outside your comfort zone. I'm reaching out to you asking you to please dedicate even just a few minutes on your show to talk about this very real problem of sexual violence. I push myself every day to share my story in hopes of helping someone else and to sparking a change. Please help me do just that on your show. We have the power to change someones life just by starting the conversation. PS When Mariska Hargitay appears on your show, ask her about her foundation the Joyful Heart Foundation! They saved my life"

Never forget that we have the power to change the world with the power of our voice.

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